Atlantic Coast Camellia Society

Show Results Valdosta, GA - December 6, 2014

Curtain Call
C. japonica 'Magic Cityl'

Valdosta Camellia & Garden Club
December 6, 2014
First United Methodist Church
220 N. Patterson Street
Valdosta, Georgia 31601

Show Chairmen - Mark Crawford
992 Blooms Exhibited
85 Attendees
40 Exhibitors


Gold Certificate (unprotected): 65 Blue Ribbons, Chuck & Bev Ritter
Silver Certificate (unprotected): 32 Blue Ribbons', Fred & Sandra Jones

Gold Certificate (protected): 29 Blue Ribbons, Howard & Mary Rhodes
Silver Certificate (protected): 23 Blue Ribbons, Buck & Tyler Mizzell


Best Bloom in Show unprotected - Guardian Bank Award: 'Lee Roy Smith', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Best Bloom in Show protected - First State Bank Award: 'Magic City', Buck & Tyler Mizzell

C. japonica unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Edna Bass Var.', Chuck & Bev Ritter
Md: 'Elaine's Betty', Skip Vogelsang
Sm: 'Les Marbury', Skip Vogelsang

C. japonica protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Tomorrow Park Hill', Howard & Mary Rhodes
Md: 'Betty Sheffield Supreme', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
Sm: 'Brooke Var.', Tommy & Brenda Alden

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected:
VLg: 'Miss Tulare', Fred & Sandra Jones
Lg: 'Valentine Day', Alex & Jane Hinson
Md: 'Lady Ruth Ritter', Chuck & Bev Ritter

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) protected:
VLg: 'Nancy Reagan', Jerry & Carol Selph
Lg: 'Hulyn Smith', Steve & Gayle Lawrence
Md: 'Black Lace Peony', Steve & Gayle Lawrence

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Phil Piet', Neil Nevin
Md: 'Polaris', Fred & Sandra Jones
Sm: 'Punkin', Chuck & Bev Ritter

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Phil Piet', Steve & Gayle Lawrence
Md: 'Debbie', Buck & Tyler Mizzell
Sm: 'Freedom Bell', Clayton & Nedra Ann Mathis

Best Miniature unprotected: 'Fircone Var.', Gene & Sandra Seago

Best Miniature protected: 'Sweet Jane', John Newsome

Best White Bloom unprotected: 'Mary Alice Cox', Neil Nevin

Best White Bloom protected: 'Melissa Anne', Steve & Gayle Lawrence

Best Sasanqua (and related species): 'Yuletide', Stewart Tomlinson

Best Seedling (Large to Very Large): 'HS 971', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Best Seedling (Small to Medium) 'LR -2', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Best Sport(Mutant) Bloom: 'Sport of Florence Stratton Blush', Eileen Hart


'Mary Fischer', Skip Vogelsang
'Miss Charleston', Neil Nevin
'Maroon and Gold', J. D. Thomerson
'Pleasant Memories', Chuck & Bev Ritter
'Mary O'Donnell', Chuck & Bev Ritter
'Frances Council', Skip Vogelsang
'Phil Piet Pink', Chuck & Bev Ritter

'Kay Berridge', Richard Mims
'Grand Marshal Var.', Buck & Tyler Mizzell
'Mona Jury Var.', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
'Lauren Tudor', Buck & Tyler Mizzell
'Tango Var.', Buck & Tyler Mizzell


Tray of Three-same variety unprotected: 'Pleasant Memories', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Tray of Three-same variety protected: 'Lauren Tudor', Buck & Tyler Mizzell

Tray of Five-different varieties unprotected: '5 Blooms', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Tray of Five-different varieties protected: '5 Blooms', Buck & Tyler Mizzell

Best Collecton of Three Different Varieties Originated by Hulyn Smith: 'Lauren Tudor, Lauren Tudor Pink, Lauren Tudor Pink Var.', Richard Hooton


Best Locally Grown Flowers

Lg/VLg: 'Jonathon', J. D. Thomerson
Md: 'Early Autumn', Iris Shealy
Sm: 'Chris Bergamini', Mark Crawford